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The Australian Chinese Medical Association Inc (ACMA) in NSW was formed on the 20th September, 1990.  Back then, the Chinese community was at its nascent stages of development and it was felt that an organisation which promoted and responded to health issues affecting the Australian Chinese community was required. The Association also allowed members to stay connected at professional and social levels.

With the expanding Chinese community and the increased integration of the Chinese into the broader community, the role of the ACMA has changed gradually throughout the years.  The current aims of the ACMA centres around:

  • Professional networking
  • Community Health, including contribution to charitable causes and organisations
  • Continuing Medical Education
  • Social Exchange
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Young AMCA Hotpot Night

Date: 15 February 2024
Time: 6;30pm
Speakers: Abraham Aguilan

Event | Young ACMA Hotpot Night

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